Join Friends of Revolution Books

Friends of Revolution Books is a broad network of people who sustain, contribute to, volunteer with, promote and shop at the store.

Friends who sustain at $20/month or more, or contribute $200/year receive 10% off purchases + free admission to all events. Friends who volunteer for 4 hours per week or more, receive 10% off purchases + free admission to all events.


VOLUNTEER --  Let us know the kind of things you would like to do:
__  Work at the store 4 hours a week (or more)               
__  Staff and help plan author readings & events
__  Take store cards to coffee houses, campuses, laundromats
__  Suggest new books, do web reviews
__  Design cards, front window, displays
__  Fund raise, help plan the $100,000 campaign and events
__  Be part of crew at store tables at NYU or Union Square (Sat.)
__  Promote store and events on Facebook, blogs, listings